Training Power Plant

SimGenics Simulator

High fidelity-simulation software uses a “Data Modeling” basis from real processes with the aim of training trainees (engineers/operators) in controlling the power plant process both under normal and emergency conditions without affecting the operation of the plant.

Gallery Training Simgenics

OTS provides facilities for trainees to familiarize themselves with power plant operating procedures, before engaging in operating the power plant directly in the field. So, this OTS can be used to produce engineers and operators, ranging from fresh graduates to competent and qualified engineers or operators.

Layanan OTS SimGenics

SimGenics Simulator has two training programs in collaboration with Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Ketenagalistrikan, Energi Baru, Terbarukan dan Konservasi Energi (PPSDM KEBTKE) and Ikatan Ahli Teknik Kelistrikan Indonesia (IATKI) 

Pelatihan dan Sertifikasi


(Integrated Start Up)

High fidelity-simulation software menggunakan basis “Data Modeling” dari proses nyata dengan tujuan untuk melatih trainee (engineer/operator) dalam mengkontrol proses pembangkit baik dalam kondisi normal ataupun darurat tanpa mempengaruhi operasi pembangkit.

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training Complete Power Plant Operation (Integrated Start-Up) or Power Plant Basic Opertion (Cold Start)

Pelatihan Kompetensi


(Cold Start)

High fidelity-simulation software menggunakan basis “Data Modeling” dari proses nyata dengan tujuan untuk melatih trainee (engineer/operator) dalam mengkontrol proses pembangkit baik dalam kondisi normal ataupun darurat tanpa mempengaruhi operasi pembangkit.